How Do I Evaluate / Buy Safari’s Solutions?

Most evaluations start with a brief Zoom meeting which you can schedule using our online calendar. We’ll want to understand your current lay of the land, goals for improvement, and we’ll share how we can help. We can then work together to set up a product demonstration for the right people in your organization.
Safari’s pricing is based upon the products and modules you purchase, and the volume of requests that you anticipate flowing through the system. You won’t pay for modules you don’t use, and discounts are built-in for higher volumes of requests.
CSC and CT Corp are good at what they do – which is acting as your registered agent. They receive paper from a process server and notify your company that you’ve been served.

Safari is also good at what we do – which is helping your company manage your served documents from intake to resolution. Further, Safari works with CSC and CT Corp to directly receive your served documents and provide an automated acknowledgment of receipt. Most of Safari’s larger customers have a direct feed from CSC or CT Corp.
For most companies, IT’s only involvement is reviewing Safari’s information security documentation. With an MNDA in place, Safari can provide its SOC 2 Type II, PCI and other certifications.

For those companies interested in integrating Safari into other systems (e.g. core financials, matter management, or HR systems), IT will have a role to play in project scoping.
For most companies, IT’s involvement during the implementation is limited to setting up Single Sign-On (SSO).

For companies requiring IT to manage user provisioning, Safari supports SCIM and will work with your IT team to enable.

For those companies interested in integrating Safari into other systems (e.g. core financials, matter management, or HR systems), IT will have a role to play in project scoping, and potentially development.
Since Safari is purpose-built for managing very specific workflows, rolling out Safari is typically a streamlined experience. While we will develop a plan that makes sense for your company, know that most Safari customers are up and running on the system after four or five Zoom meetings (including Fortune 100 companies!).
Yes, Safari works with trusted partners to deliver the technology and staffing you need to manage your subpoena portfolio from intake to response delivery.
Yes. Over 50% of all subpoena and information requests come from Law Enforcement/Government Agencies. Law Enforcement and Government Agencies are submitting requests through Safari’s ServePort intake portal and receiving response documents through Safari’s secure delivery portal.
Yes. Safari works with its customers to develop automated workflows leveraging core financial systems, matter management solutions, HR systems, e-Discovery tools, etc.

Safari also has established consultant and integration partners that can complete this work as well.
Yes. Several Safari customers are using the system for intake, triage, and assignment of all served documents. If the served document is a levy, garnishment or subpoena, it can be managed and resolved within the Safari system. For other served documents—such as wage garnishments, summons and complaint, etc.—Safari can redirect the served document to the appropriate team or system for management and resolution.