Configurable feed from registered agent
A direct feed eliminates manual download of served documents and manual entry of matter details while ensuring that no served document is overlooked. Safari continually monitors the feed for any errors or anomalies.
Flags for potential duplicate served documents
Duplicate-service alerts save time, confusion, and wasted effort. Clearing a duplicate alert optionally keeps a link between related, non-duplicate documents.
Templates with specialized variables
Safari supports configurable template documents with specialized variables (e.g., masked PII)--critical for legal notices and workflows.
Correspondence templates
Users can email or fax template correspondence directly from Safari and these communications are stored with the matter.
Security designed for legal orders
Safari is built and operated to meet the legal and compliance requirements applicable to subpoenas and garnishments. E.g., Safari is third-party certified to be PCI SAQ-D compliant, which is required to store credit card information.
Built-in document delivery portal with two-factor authentication
Safari makes responsive documents available via an integrated SFTP portal featuring the authentication, encryption, and auditing required for sensitive information (including PII, PCI data, etc.).
Delivery portal includes invoicing capability and a credit card paywall for cost reimbursement
Manually pursuing response cost reimbursement is impractical and largely ineffective for most companies. Safari automates invoicing and payment collection, ensuring response cost reimbursement.
Unlimited file size / type for subpoena response delivery
Designed for subpoena response, Safari’s portal has no limits on file size or type.
Safari technical support provided to serving parties for document delivery
Safari handles any serving party technical support requests. (Less than 0.1% of serving parties need technical support to retrieve responsive documents from Safari’s portal.)
Compliance alerts updated as regulations are modified
Safari incorporates configurable compliance rules and updates options as compliance concerns evolve.

Safari is the De-risked Solution

Choosing Safari ensures a proven, practical, and sustainable solution to the challenges of served document management. The alternative entails risk and effort in designing and building a legal workflow solution, which, if done poorly, could result in liability, reputational harm, lack of adoption among by government entities, ongoing IT maintenance and support, and avoidable churn.

Tried and Tested. Safari’s large customer base--including Fortune 5 companies and Fortune 100 banks--has been using our solution for over three years with a 100% customer retention rate. Federal, state, and local government agencies use Safari’s delivery portal daily, accounting for about half of Safari deliveries.

Speed-to-value. Because Safari’s solution is off-the-shelf, it saves you time, money and resources. You don't have to spend months or years gathering feature requirements, distracting senior leaders with extensive reviews, coding and testing a system, or queuing for ongoing IT support to keep the system current.

A Future-Proofed System. Served document management is Safari’s sole focus and business. We are 100% committed to extending and improving our products based on evolving best practices and customer feedback.

“We receive a ton of search warrants from law enforcement. I’ve had several police officers tell me they truly appreciate the ease and speed at which they can download the information. Everybody has liked Safari’s portal. In fact, one serving party told me that they wished everyone used Safari for making documents available.”
Legal Records Coordinator, Legal Department
Global Federal Credit Union

Next Steps

Safari SOP
Served Document Management
Bellevue, WA
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